My Professional Experience

My journey of helping others heal and find happiness started over a decade ago, when I began studying alternative healing methods and different spiritual paths. I trained in Reiki, yoga, and shamanic healing and also received a bachelor of science in Integrative Health Care from the Metropolitan State University of Denver. In 2013 I started a healing practice with my husband called The Soul’s Thread, where I taught yoga and provided intuitive healing work and spiritual guidance for my clients. 

But my professional journey didn’t end there… 

After a couple of years, I felt very stalled in my work with clients and in my own personal growth. Even though I was doing my best to work on myself and help others heal, I was secretly unfulfilled, deeply insecure, and not seeing long term changes in my life. I was not able to have success in my own life with the very things I was teaching my clients, and I began to feel like a fraud.

No matter how hard I tried to work on myself, I couldn’t break my unhealthy patterns or find peace with my past. I really struggled to understand how to have successful relationships with my husband and others in my life. My inner emotional distress over my marriage and different relationships was my biggest red flag that what I was doing wasn’t working.

I finally had to make a decision.

Either something was wrong with me that the healing, therapy, yoga, and self-help books weren’t working OR those methods didn’t work to help me change long term. I slowly came to realize it was the latter, and my path shifted dramatically.

In 2015 I met my mentors, David Cope and Peggy Lit of Anew Life Center, and my whole life changed. They taught me the missing piece that would ultimately transform my life and those of my clients – I am the problem in my life, and therefore the solution. David and Peggy helped me to let go of my web of stories that kept me small and take 100% responsibility for my life. They also taught me to stop looking outside of myself for answers and how to turn to myself as my greatest “guru” in life.

There is something very profound in owning that I am the problem in my life.

This awareness pushed me to confront myself and get serious about me and my life. In just a few short weeks of working with my mentors personally and professionally, my life did a 360 in a positive direction, and I have never looked back. I had never done anything (and I did it all) that actually worked so rapidly and long term to help me change in the ways I had been craving for years.

Soon after my transformation, I closed my healing practice and began helping clients transform their lives by teaching what I was learning. 

Now I work on a team with my mentors and amazing colleague, Josie Warren. We have 30 plus years of experience between us, and you benefit from having the whole team behind you when you work with me in one of my courses.


How to Put Yourself First: 3 Simple Steps

