Awakened Marriage

A 10-Week Transformational Journey to True Intimacy and Connection in Your Marriage


Awakened Marriage is a 10-Week premium online program for married men and women. It empowers you to reconnect with yourself and develop inner happiness so you can have a fulfilling, intimate marriage.


You had the “perfect” fantasy of what marriage was supposed to be.

You’d find the one and have someone who understands you, adores you, and has your back no matter what. Someone to make you complete and whole as a person. A marriage where you barely fight and you’re always on the same page. 

You were sure that you’d beat the odds and never be like the couples you see at restaurants barely talking to each other. You thought you’d have the euphoria and connection of a new relationship forever - the kind of love you see in fairy tales and romantic comedies.

And yet, here you are…

Wondering how you got to a place so vastly different from your fantasy of marriage. Feeling like you’ve become more roommates than anything else. You love each other and want it to work, but the distance and disconnection are the big elephant in the room. You’re starting to wonder if you’re destined to settle for “just OK” and going through the motions - or worse, a loveless marriage.

Don’t worry. I’ve got good news.

You can have the marriage and life you want.

You just have to be willing to stop working on your marriage and start working on yourself to change.

The support you need to shift your focus
and truly improve your marriage is all inside: 

Awakened Marriage


A 10-Week Transformational Online Program to Bring Intimacy and Connection Back into Your Marriage


Awakened Marriage helps couples go from feeling like roommates to a deep, meaningful connection so they can have an intimate marriage while being their own, independent people. 

In other words, they can be great together without having to give up their sense of self or independence in the relationship.

Awakened Marriage teaches women and men how to untangle from each other and reclaim their sense of self instead of focusing on changing the other person to get their needs met.

It’s about walking alongside each other but still being on your own journeys of life.

Instead of looking your spouse to make you happy, you create your own internal happiness and bring that into the marriage. You show up in a way that says, “I’m happy with myself and I want to share my happiness with you” instead of “I need YOU to make me happy, otherwise our marriage won’t work.”


This goes against what society tells us about marriage. 


The traditional view goes like this: “I take care of you, you take care of me, and we’ll stay happy and in love forever.”

This is the happily-ever-after fantasy of fairytales and romantic comedies. There’s nothing more disastrous for a marriage. I had to learn this the hard way in my own marriage.


I was looking for that happily-ever-after fantasy.

When I got married, I had huge expectations on my husband to be my everything. I lost my own sense of self in the relationship and became codependent on him for my happiness. I secretly became resentful and blamed him for my unhappiness and our issues. The more I pointed the finger out at him, the more he pulled away. We grew distant from each other. 


 Along the way, I realized three critical principles to get my marriage back on track and reclaim my own sense of self…

Awakened Marriage Step 1

I am responsible for my happiness (and unhappiness). My husband can’t make me happy or unhappy. Period.

Awakened Marriage Step 2

I am the only person I have any control over to change. I can’t change my husband. 

Awakened Marriage Step 3

My marriage is a mirror of the relationship I have with myself. The only way to have a healthy relationship with my husband is to have a healthy relationship with myself.

Using these principles, I began to heal my relationship with myself and take the burden of my happiness off my husband. 

Karyn Seitz and Husband - Awakened Marriage Course

Then something wonderful happened. As I changed, my marriage changed almost overnight...

  • My walls came down and my heart softened.

  • I began to see the good things in my marriage and all the ways my husband cared for me and showed his love.

  • My husband and I began to show true kindness and care for each other.

  • We began to grow together as a couple and as two independent people. 

  • We began to play more and have fun again.

Most importantly, we learned to “dance” together. We found our groove through the ups and downs of marriage and life. My husband and I are both happier than we’ve ever been, and our relationship keeps getting better year after year. We both feel like we got the secret manual to marriage that no one else ever got!


If you’re feeling lost on what to do but you have hope for your marriage, then you’re in the right place.

Awakened Marriage will show you a new way to thrive in your marriage and create real, long-term changes. It’s a powerful approach to creating a loving, intimate marriage. 

The best part: it doesn’t take two. 

Only one partner needs to go through the program to see remarkable changes in the marriage.

Awakened Marriage Program Options

Two unique programs, one common approach.

I offer two separate 10-module programs – one for married men and one for married women – which recognize the unique core issues of the husband and wife in a marriage.


Awakened Marriage

For Women

Awakened Marriage for Women is for open-minded wives to realize that their happiness is a personal responsibility.

By learning to cultivate your own happiness, you are empowered to find your self-identity again. The program emphasizes personal integrity and becoming the best version of yourself. 


  • Self-Guided Program: $1,995

  • One-on-One Program: $6,500

Awakened Marriage

For Men

Awakened Marriage for Men works to rebuild your sense of strength and confidence as a man.

You’ll also learn how to navigate your marriage in a constructive, self-aware, and responsible manner. The program emphasizes personal integrity and becoming the best version of yourself.


  • Self-Guided Program: $1,995

  • One-on-One Program: $6,500

Disclaimer: Awakened marriage is for committed couples who still love each other. It is not for dysfunctional couples who are on the verge of divorce or for abusive relationships.

The Philosophy of Awakened Marriage

(for women and men)

It only takes one fully committed partner to change a marriage.

Before you slam your computer shut, let me explain…  

Marriage counseling does not treat the root cause of the issues in a marriage. At best, it is a band-aid approach that does not create permanent change in a marriage. Common issues with communication, lack of intimacy, distrust, and fighting never get resolved.

Here’s the disruptive truth: The problem is not the marriage or your spouse.

The problem is you.

Transformational change does not come from working on the marriage. It comes from working on yourself.

You are the solution to the issues in your marriage.

Here’s why…

The problems in your marriage are the result of your own behavioral issues. These issues come from your weaknesses, shortcomings, and unhealthy patterns of behavior.

Your marriage is simply a mirror of what you need to change within yourself.

Your marriage is your greatest teacher to become the best version of yourself. This novel perspective creates a foundation of learning and growing together.

When you learn and grow in your marriage, you become the best version of yourself. Being the best version of yourself organically resolves your unhealthy behaviors. Your marriage issues finally dissolve.

The journey of being the best version of yourself is the journey of being happy.

Awakened Marriage with Karyn Seitz
How to have a happier marriage

Awakened Marriage is a novel and fresh alternative to marriage counseling. It’s the key to real and lasting connection in your relationship. 

It’s time to discover a whole new way to thrive in your marriage.  

Are you ready to feel light and free in your marriage and fall in love all over again?